
Seattle City Wire

Monday, March 10, 2025

UW and SHA tap Bellwether Housing to build mixed-income development in U District

The University of Washington and the Seattle Housing Authority today  announced that Bellwether Housing has been selected to develop a  mixed-income high-rise of about 240 units in the University District,  pending approval by the UW Board of Regents.

Once completed, the 16-story project will provide a child care space  and much-needed housing for faculty and staff, as well as others who  want to take advantage of the central location, in the 4200 block of  Roosevelt Way Northeast, near the UW campus and multiple transit  options.

“Our university is dedicated to helping the communities we serve  become more diverse, equitable and livable, and that begins right here  in our own U District neighborhood, where we urgently need affordable,  quality housing,” said UW President Ana Mari Cauce. “We are especially  excited about the opportunities this will create for university faculty  and staff and their families to live and have access to child care in  close proximity to our Seattle campus.”

Bellwether plans to use a mix of public and private funding to create  this mixed-income community. Both funding sources support each other to  make the project feasible, allowing Bellwether to maximize the  development capacity of the site without straining existing public  financing sources.

“We are thrilled that the UW shares our vision for this site — to  provide about 240 low- and moderate-income families with affordable,  high-quality, transit-oriented homes in the heart of a vibrant  neighborhood. Our mixed-income model allows us to leverage this  opportunity to create as many new homes as possible in this city that  needs as much affordable housing as we can build,” said Bellwether  Housing CEO Susan Boyd.

Initial plans are to serve households earning between 60% to 100% of  Area Median Income, or AMI. A majority of the units, 163, are earmarked  for families at around 60% of AMI, with the remainder reserved for the  so-called “missing middle” at between 80% and 100% of AMI.

Having a range of incomes in one building best serves UW employees  and the community by increasing diversity and housing options, Cauce  said. There are limited housing choices available to those whose income  disqualifies them from special programs for low-income households, but  still isn’t enough to be competitive in Seattle’s booming housing  market. By creating the “missing middle” housing, more of the UW  workforce will be able to live near their jobs, reducing the time,  expense and environmental costs of long commutes.

In 2017, UW approached the Seattle Housing Authority about partnering  on development of the property, given SHA’s extensive experience in  developing affordable housing.

“We are excited to be working collaboratively with the University of  Washington on this project,” said Rod Brandon, SHA’s executive director.  “We have had great success in developing mixed-income communities and  think this approach will best meet the needs of the neighborhood, and  people who need to live there but are otherwise priced out. Bellwether  is exactly the right partner to help bring this vision to life.”

The building will include 65 two- and three-bedroom apartments for  larger families, an outdoor space, shared play area, common room and  other residential amenities. Plans also are in place for a  7,318-square-foot child care facility on the ground floor with a  separate drop-off zone and its own outdoor play area.

The half-acre property is owned by the UW, and the UW will ground  lease the land to Bellwether. The existing residential and commercial  structures will be demolished to make space for the new construction.

If approved, construction is scheduled to begin by December 2024.

Original source can be found here.